Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coffee and RFID?

I've heard that coffee and cigarettes go well together, but I've never heard of anyone making a film about coffee and RFID. But an ingenious inventor has found a way to make the pairing nearly as sublime. Chris Hallberg has created an insulated travel coffee mug that houses an RFID tag. The RFID tag allows would-be coffee purchasers simply to wave the cup to pay for that morning cup of joe.

Hallberg’s invention is called the Smug Mug, and it being tested in limited trial by the London Underground and some other coffee shop chains. There are hopes for the Smug Mug to find use by next year in Milwaukee at the coffee chain Stone Creek Coffee, as well. The suggested retail price for the Smug Mug is $15, and that includes a $5 credit for use in the store at which it is purchased.

This seems like a brilliant idea. It promotes re-using your coffee mug, which is good for the environment. And it precludes the need to dig bleary-eyed through your pockets, purse, or wallet to pay for that morning wake-me-up.